If you have subscribed to the Psych C&P Exam List (that's the nickname for the list, the official name is "VA Compensation and Pension"), please complete the form below to confirm your promise to never copy another member's post, and to never forward, send, distribute, or publish another member's post.
We use Google Groups to manage our email discussion list. Thus, "the group" is the same as "the list".
Synonymous Terms
post = message = email sent to or from the list
group = list = listserv
Some list members use their work email address for the list. Almost all employers, including the Department of Veterans Affairs, own their employee's emails. Consequently, it is possible that a list member's employer might read posts to and from the list. This type of confidentiality breach is unlikely, but it is possible.
There is also a tiny chance that a court or other legal authority might order a list member to share emails to and from the list for some reason.
Finally, even though we ask all list members to promise to keep all posts to the Psych C&P Exam List confidential, there is no law preventing a list member from acting dishonorably and violating their pledge.
1. Webster's Third New International Dictionary of the English Language, Unabridged, ed. Philip B. Gove (Springfield, MA: G. & C. Merriam, 1961; Merriam-Webster, 1993; periodically updated as Merriam-Webster Unabridged), s.v. "monition" ("monition noun 1 : instruction or advice given by way of caution : admonition, warning, caution").
Please complete and submit the form below. For "E-Mail Address", please enter the email address you use for the list.
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