Payment Page

This payment page contains links (and QR codes) to pay for my services. 

The first set of links (buttons) and QR codes are for payments processed by Stripe, which offers more options than my previous processor (PayPal).

But some people have accounts with PayPal and prefer to process payments through them. If that's you, I have PayPal links (buttons) farther down the page. 

Note: If you schedule a paid consultation with me, you pay from within the scheduling program (Stripe processing). If you need to pay me for a service not listed here, ask me to send you an invoice or use the link under Other Amounts.

Record Review - $200

Click the button below, scan the QR code, or click here to open a new tab (or window) for a full-size payment form.

QR Code - IPE $2,000.00

Independent Psychological Exam (IPE) - $1,800
(if you already paid the $200 Record Review fee)

Click the button below, scan the QR code, or click here to open a new tab (or window) for a full-size payment form.

QR Code - IPE $2,000.00

Independent Psychological Exam (IPE) - $2,000
(if you did not pay the $200 Record Review fee)

QR Code - IPE $2,000.00

PayPal Links

Record Review - $200

If we have agreed that I will conduct an IPE (independent psychological exam) with you, please use the link below to send me the remaining amount due: $1800. (The full fee for the IPE is $2000, but since you will have already paid $200 for the document review, the remaining amount due is $1800.)

Independent Psychological Exam (IPE) - $1800

Other Amounts

For other services not specified above, please use this link and enter the agreed-upon amount:

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